Hello, world. I’m still here.
2016 has been a really, really tough year for me. It’s been downright wretched for the world at large. I’m not sad to see it go.
The Move is still in progress. We’ve bought a house that we move into in February, and life should settle into some kind of routine at that point. That will make the physical move from house to house about 5 months. That’s a long time to be living out of suitcases.
For these months of flux, I’m not putting pressure on myself to meet all the obligations I normally would. That includes this neglected blog. I hope to reboot in January and get back into a routine. Once we’re in the new house the Gundam Wing Rewatch can resume.
One thing I did do is continue to work, to write. November meant lots of wide-open days for me, and I finished NaNo about 10 days ahead of schedule. I waited the requisite month to begin revision work, and I’m now elbow-deep in the book again. It’s a good feeling, doing the work and making progress.
There have also been some new ideas to bump around in my brain. (I had to do something during the month off.) We’ll see where they go.
Here’s to a new year, one that will hopefully be less devastating than this one has been.