
Newsletter Transition & Query+1st Page Critique Offer! Enter by Mar 1

This is the last blog post to go out to my mailing list as a newsletter-type-entry. Why? Because I’ve done some research and found that a newsletter–emails written specifically to be sent as a newsletter–are more popular than blog posts. Initially I thought I’d have enough overlap between what I posted and what I’d want emailed, but it turns out I want some space between those two things.

So I want to thank those of you who are subscribed to my email list and have hung in there through emails that may have seemed silly or off-topic. If you’d still like to get every post by email, you can jump to the very bottom of my website footer to subscribe using WordPress. I’m not a big fan of the way WordPress’ subscription works, but there’s little purpose in me duplicating an existing function.

What’s going in the newsletter, Bronwen?

You may well ask! I’m going to be playing around with the format and features for a while (maybe eternally) but here are some things you can expect to see:

  • My Latest News — Some exciting stuff has happened to me in the last year and I’m hoping for more exciting news to come.
  • Featured Story — Probably a recent blog post, something meaty like my post about trigger warnings, or what we talk about when we say we’re writing.
  • Blog Posts — Whatever I’ve blogged about recently, I’ll give you a blurb and a link.
  • Mini-Book Reviews — I’m always reading, and I miss the era when I used to blog reviews (no, no link). So I’ll be recommending the best books I’ve read since the last newsletter. Hopefully many of these will be diverse, #ownvoices books!
  • Progress of the Monster Worksheet Book — I’ve made some big edits to the Monster Worksheet, and I think I have enough for an ebook. If you’d like to sign up to learn more about that–beta testing the worksheet, proofing the book, etc.–you can sign up below, or at this link.
Monster Sign-Ups
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.

How often can I expect these newsletters?

No more frequently than once a month, at least once a quarter. It’ll depend on how much I have going on.

Any news we should know about now?

Why, yes!

Back in November I was selected for Author Mentor Match, a YA/MG mentoring competition. My manuscript IN HER OWN SKIN got great feedback from my mentor, Sophie Cameron (check out her debut next month, OUT OF THE BLUE!!), and I was invited to join a community of amazing writers. AMM mentees are the most warm, encouraging writers I could hope to know, sharing their trials and successes, uplifting each other, and offering critique and advice. You aren’t only winning a contest, you’re joining a family. Literally, the hashtag is #AMMfam.

So, not only should you be brushing up your entry, you should also throw your hat in the ring for a free first page and query critique from previous mentees! I’m doing one, too! I’m so happy to be in a position to help other writers!

Sign up for the critique here by March 1. 

Author Mentor Match’s Round 4 begins March 16, so be ready!

And be sure to check out for more fun stuff like Twitter Party prompts!


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